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Christina Lim, M.S., MLS(ASCP)SM

Christina Lim Headshot
 Director, Special Instructor - Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences
Office: 3169 Human Health Building
Phone: (248) 364-8674
Fax: (248) 364-8657
E-mail: lim@oakland.edu

Educational Background:
M.S., Immunology and Microbiology, Wayne State University
B.S., Medical Laboratory Sciences, Oakland University

Teaching Interests:
Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Parasitology, Mycology, and Virology
Medical Immunology
Molecular Diagnostics
Careers in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Professional Affiliations:
American Society for Microbiology
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Michigan Association of Laboratory Science Educators

Personal Interests:
Slow and immersive travel, hiking, impromptu road trips, bonfires and whisky